"Daodi" Practice
"Daodi" has been widely recognised throughout China for centuries, it is the practice of cultivating and producing herbal products in specific geographical locations with the intention of utilizing the regions natural conditions and ecological environment, with particular focus on cultivation technique, harvesting and processing (Zhao et al, 2012) . It is said that herbs produced in this method produced clinical effects far surperior than those produced from other regions.
It is well known that environmental factors such as topography, soil, climate, humidity, and light directly influence the bioactive constituents of plants. The vast territory of China with its multitude of various landforms and mountain ranges as well as diverse weather conditions produces a diversity of natural ecosystems with abundant botanical and zoological resources (Zhao et al 2012) for plant growth.
Daodi medicinal materials are commonly classified into 8 categories according to production regions: Chuan (Sichuan), Guang (Guangdong/Guangxi), Yun (Yunnan), Gui (Guizhou), Nan (Southern China), Bei (Northern China), Zhe (Zhejiang) and Huai (Henan) (Hu, 1989).
Through clinical experience and observation, It's no wonder practitioners in the past favored such practices. Now rooted in traditional practice, Daodi herbs are seen as the superior herb for practitioners and widely sought after for practice and treatment.