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The best of China's herbs at your fingertips, buy now and feel the difference!

Bai Bu (Zhi) 炙百部

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Properties: Sweet, Slightly Bitter, Slightly Moistening, Slightly Warm

Channels: lung

General Functions and Indications: Moisten the lungs descend qi stop cough, kills parasites kill lice. Used for new and chronic cough, tuberculosis/ Cough/ whooping cough. Externally used for lice, body lice , pinworms, vaginal pruritus.

蜜百部 Mi Bai Bu Uncooked Bai Bu is primarily used to kill parasites and lice. Bai Bu (Mi Zhi) will moisten the lungs stop cough. Used for yin deficient tuberculosis. Cough due to yin deficiency, dry cough, little or no phlegm, phlegm streaked with blood, evening fever, night sweats. It can also be used for cases of pertussis, paroxysmal cough in infants due to lung dryness (often due to yin deficiency accompanied by Qi deficiency) with paroxsymal, spasmodic cough like a roosters crow.

Usage and dosage: 3-9g. For external use in appropriate amounts decocted in water or soaked in wine.

100g/ bottle - Highly Concentrated Herbal Granule Extract
