Jiang Can (Chao) 僵蚕(炒)
Properties: Salty, Pungent, and Neutral
Channels: Liver, Lung, Stomach
General Functions and indications: Dispel wind, arrest convulsion, transform phlegm, and dissipate nodules. Used for convulsion and spasms, swelling and pain in the throat, pruritus, inflammation in the lymph nodes below the jaw, facial nerve numbness.
Jiang Can (Chao) 僵蚕(炒) Uncooked it dispels wind, settles tetany, stops pain. Once processed it resolves toxins, scatters nodulations, eliminates phlegm wind. It can be used for Subcutaneous nodules, scrofula due to accumulation of phlegm. Aphasia due to wind stroke with imporribility of expressing the slightest sound, stertorous breathing. Asthmatic breathing, dyspnea due to accumulation of phlegm with stertorous breathing.
Dosage: 5-9g
100g/ bottle - Highly Concentrated Herbal Granule Extract