Six Flavour Tonic (Pills) 六味地黄丸 (浓缩)
(Liu wei di huang wan – concentrated)
This herbal remedy is a classical kidney reinforcing formula that has been used for over a thousand year. With remarkable effects, it can be used in a large range of conditions by nourishing kidney, liver and spleen and replenishing kidney and spleen energy. It is mild sweet, sour and slightly bitter in taste.
- Shu di
- Shan yao
- Shan zhu yu
- Ze xie
- Mu dan pi
- Fu Ling
Relieve symptoms including dizziness, tinnitus, aching and limpness of loins and knees, dry mouth, night sweating, seminal emission, easily wakes during the night and general weakness due to insufficiency of kidney yin.
240 pills. Bottle
(Beijing Tong Ren Tang – Practitioners Quick Reference Guide)
Please refer to reference for more clinical applications
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Please talk to a TCM practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you
The information presented above should be used as guides only, please practice your own professional judgement when necessary. Information provided for practitioner use only.