China's No. 1 Granule extracts at your fingertip, Taste and Feel the difference! | Info@chi-herbal.com.au contact us with any questions or problems!
China's No. 1 Granule extracts at your fingertip, Taste and Feel the difference! | Info@chi-herbal.com.au contact us with any questions or problems!
"Daodi" Practice


几个世纪以来,“道地”在中国广为人知,它指的是利用当地的自然条件和生态环境,在特定的地理位置种植和生产草药产品的做法,这种方式尤其注重栽培技术、收获和加工过程(赵等人, 2012)。据说,用这种方法生产的草药,其临床效果远远优于其他地区生产的草药。


道地药材通常按产地分为川(四川)、广(广东/广西)、云(云南)、桂(贵州)、南(华南)、北(华北)、浙( 浙江)和淮(河南)(胡,1989)。


  1. Hu, 1989 S.L. Hu. The Authentic and Superior Medicinal Herbals in China. Heilongjiang Science and Technology Publishing House, Harbin, China (1989)
  2. Zhao et al 2012. The formation of daodi medicinal materials. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 140, issue 3, page 476-481
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