China's No. 1 Granule extracts at your fingertip, Taste and Feel the difference! | Info@chi-herbal.com.au contact us with any questions or problems!
China's No. 1 Granule extracts at your fingertip, Taste and Feel the difference! | Info@chi-herbal.com.au contact us with any questions or problems!
Full Extraction Herbs


我们所说的超浓缩型纯中草药是什么意思? 它指的是提取物以浓缩形式包含了整个草药的所有活性化学成分。它们是为模仿传统煎剂而专门制造的,通过对所有植物自然光彩的利用来产生平衡的萃取,并照自然预期的比例充分提取了植物成分。

  1. Tianjiang Pharmaceutical co. ltd. http://www.tianjiang.com/en
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